“The ultimate goal of farming is not the growing of crops, but the cultivation and perfection of human beings.”
― Masanobu Fukuoka

Meet Our Cows

About Bhumi's Farm

Bhumi's Farm is a 5-hectare organic farm with the ambition of nurturing the soil and the soul. The farm was purchased in 2017 for the purpose of creating a sanctuary for the farm animals and their caretakers.

Over the years the farm has developed into a small community. The community consists of residents, volunteers and visitors alike, interested in ethical animal care, gardening and sustainability issues. A current goal is self-sufficiency in food and energy.

Volunteering Opportunities

Since 2016, over 230 young adults from 51 countries have participated in the farm’s activities. The volunteers have stayed between a few weeks to almost a year and learned, amongst other things, how to care for cows and horses, how to grow one’s own food, work in teams, cook delicious and healthy vegan and vegetarian meals, make and repair clothes and utilities, build shelters and produce energy.

Contact Us Directly

Bhumi’s Farm is located in the beautiful southern part of Sweden. We can offer short term volunteering (minimum two months), or long term stay. There areliving facilities which can be rented longterm, including vegan/vegetarian meals. Write an email to contact@bhumi.se and tell us something about yourself, and why you want to volunteer.



Volunteering platform Workaway is meant for travelers who want to give back to the communities and places they visit. They help their hosts and use the experience to learn new skills and get to know the local culture.



Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WWOOF) is a worldwide movement to link visitors with organic farmers, promote a cultural and educational exchange, and build a global community conscious of ecological farming and sustainability practices.




Visitors are welcomed to Bhumi’s Farm. Please contact the farm manager through this website or by phone, if you would like to pay a visit for a shorter or longer time and help out with running and developing the farm. As a visitor you may get a first-hand experience of a community life on a farm and learn more about Permaculture, ethical animal care, and Bhakti-yoga.


Guests are warmly welcome to visit Bhumi’s Farm on Sundays, when there is a guided tour arranged at 15:00 to 16:30 (weather permitting). Please book your place on the tour through this website, or contact the farm manager by phone. Price: 100 kr/person, 50 kr for children,  200 kr for a family.

In connection to the Sunday guided tour, at 17:00 there is a Kirtan-yoga session and a Bhagavad-gita lecture arranged on the farm. Please contact the farm manager if you would like to partake! Free of charge, donations welcomed.

What Volunteers Say

Nurturing the Soil and the Soul.


Bhumis gård

Möllenäsvägen 83-7

27572 Lövestad


Mail: bhumisfarm@gmail.com

Phone: +46 708-98 76 51