Get to Know Us

Bhumi's Farm Sanctuary

Bhumi’s farm is primarily a sanctuary for the land, the animals and their caretakers. The farm animals are cared for according to the teachings of Ahimsa and Goraksya (non-violence, non-slaughter). Our commitment for nature and animals is based on a belief that the Earth and life are sacred and we need to nurture them and each other.

At the same time it is a Permaculture farm, being constantly developed using design principles from Permaculture and Regenerative Agriculture. Composted manure is used for growing flowers and vegetables. Orchards and forest gardens are created for fruits, nuts and berries. Trees are planted for fodder and lee protection from winds, ponds are dug for wildlife, wild flowers and hedges planted for pollinators. Herbs and medicinal plants are planted for the benefit of residents as well as for customers. 

Simple Living - High Thinking

Some of the residents on Bhumi’s farm, including the owners, practice an ancient Bhakti-yoga tradition of India (also known as Vaishnavism). Besides personal mantra-meditation it also involves Kirtan-yoga (singing of mantras together, accompanied by musical instruments) and study of Vaishnava literature. It also involves celebrations of different festivals common in India, which sometimes attract guests from the local Hindu community. Volunteers and visitors are naturally also invited, both to the weekly Kirtan-yoga sessions and occasional celebrations. However, Bhumi’s farm is an open community welcoming people with a genuine interest in animal ethics, organic gardening and sustainability issues. Persons with different religious or cultural traditions or none, are welcomed and offered space for their individual practices.

Bhumi's Farm wants to show an alternative to consumerism and industrial agriculture. It is possible to live happily on land with animals without polluting nature and destroying habitats for wildlife. This way of life is simple but at the same time it can be full of joy and harmony. Bhumi’s farm wants to leave a piece of land for future generations in a better shape than it was before - a thicker layer of top-soil, more carbon stored in the soil, improved water quality and availability, increased biodiversity and habitats for wildlife, together with well-developed gardens, orchards and nurseries for future residents to thrive on the farm.

Simple Living – High Thinking


Bhumi’s Friends

Möllenäsvägen 83-7

27572 Lövestad



Phone: +46 76-823 38 33